The forum is a space for left, green and progressive voices to discuss alternative solutions to the crises facing Europe.

Together, we will oppose the same old remedies of cuts, austerity and war. The people of Europe can not pay for another crisis! By coming together, sharing our struggles and building new alliances we can change Europe鈥檚 direction towards a fairer, greener economy and more equitable and more just society.

As part of this year’s European Forum, we’re organising three seminars on some of the biggest topics of debate in the EU: migration, climate change, and recovery from the pandemic.
Join activists, elected representatives, trade unionists, and experts in the discussion on our alternatives and debate on what the Left’s response should be.


Our Seminars as part of the European Forum:


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Time: Nov 10, 2020 10.00 CET

Join on Zoom:聽

Speakers for the first panel:

  • Milena ZAJOVIC, President of Are You Syrious / Head of Advocacy, Border Violence Monitoring Network
    路 Helena MALENO, Human rights defender in Caminando Fronteras
    路 I帽igo MIJANGOS, President of Salvamento Maritimo Humanitario – Aita Mari
    路 Pernando Barrena, MEP, EH Bildu
    路 Kostas Arvanitis, MEP, SYRIZA

Speakers for the second panel:

  • David CONLAN SMYTH, Senior Counsel. CCBE/European Lawyers in Lesvos
    路 Bernd DR脺KE, Coordinator of Seebr眉cke Mainz
    路 Anila NOOR, Global Refugee-led Network and founder of the New Women Connectors
    路 Anne-Sophie Pelletier, MEP, France Insoumise
    路 Malin Bj枚rk, MEP, Swedish Left Party

Sara Prestianni from EuroMed Rights (Asylum and migration programme officer) will moderate the panels.



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Time: Nov 13, 2020 15.00 CET

Join on Zoom:聽

The latest IPCC Special Report (October 2018) is our last alarm bell for stopping mass human and environmental destruction caused by human-induced climate change. Rapid and ambitious action is needed to ensure that the transition is fair and leaves no one behind. Climate action is not a stand-alone struggle; it includes struggles for decent jobs, high living standards, and gender and racial equality. The COVID-19 pandemic has made clear that the resilience of our societies to any kind of crisis goes hand in hand with social and environmental justice at the European and international level. There is a need to reclaim the narrative of a just and sustainable COVID-19 recovery and ensure that public climate finance serves public interests, and isn’t used to privatise essential services or impact public finance investments in developing countries. Thus, the compensation of the climate debt we have built up will ensure that the most vulnerable countries are sufficiently resourced to adapt to global warming and rising sea levels.

Moderator: Petros Kokkalis, MEP GUE/NGL

List of speakers:

– Marie Toussaint, MEP Greens/EFA
– Lynn Boylan, Senator (Ireland)
– Dr. Ilan Kelman, Professor of Disasters and Health, University College London (UK) and Professor II, University of Agder (Norway -Katie Treadwell, WWF European Policy Officer
-Leia Achampong, Senior Policy and Advocacy Officer – Climate Finance, European Network on Debt and Development



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Date: Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Time: 17.00 CET

Join on Zoom:聽

List of speakers:

– Dimitrios Papadimoulis, MEP GUE/NGL, Greece (moderator)
– Rasmus Andresen, MEP Greens/EFA, Germany
– Luca Visentini, General Secretary of ETUC
– Eider Gardiaz谩bal Rubial, MEP S&D, Spain (tbc)

Check out the full programme of forums, seminars, workshops and assemblies on the website